[SSSD] [PATCH] SUDO: Provide a sudo DP request based on the internal_req

Pavel Březina pbrezina at redhat.com
Mon Jan 23 09:23:36 UTC 2012

Dne 23.1.2012 02:24, Stephen Gallagher napsal(a):
> Also, when you call sss_dp_issue_request(), you're passing 'state' as
> the pvt data for sss_dp_get_sudoers_msg(), but you meant to pass 'info',
> I think.

Shouldn't we start using tallog_get_type_abort() to detect these situations?

Also nack.
In sss_dp_get_sudoers_msg() you expect that info->name is set. But it is 
not mandatory (e.g. when cn=defaults is requested). I suggest sending 
empty filter when info->name is empty.

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