[SSSD] [PATCH] LDAP: Add option to disable paging control

Stephen Gallagher sgallagh at redhat.com
Tue Jan 17 19:36:20 UTC 2012

On Mon, 2012-01-16 at 22:27 +0000, JR Aquino wrote:
> Feedback for the patch:
> 15:07 < AMM:#freeipa> So what I'm noticing is that when I would expect
> it to fail (after x ammount of time) and I login, it just takes a
> little while longer to login. Which probably means its pulling down
> more data 15:14 < JrAquino:#freeipa> AMM: an unacceptibally long time?
> 15:23 < AMM:#freeipa> not awesome 15:23 < AMM:#freeipa> maybe 10 -15
> seconds
> This delay doesn't manifest during other time periods... is it possible
> that the search that sssd is doing is unnecessary?

JR, please provide more information when you report a complaint. "My
colleague says that when he does stuff, it takes longer than usual"
isn't useful.

I'm assuming that he's claiming that with this patch, he's seeing a
delay somewhere? That's actually impossible. The only effect of this
patch is to potentially *reduce* the number of lookups we do against the
server. (If the server has more results than we can read in a single
lookup, we'd go back again to get the rest).
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