[SSSD] Review of the realmd dbus interface

Stef Walter stefw at gnome.org
Fri Aug 10 08:25:04 UTC 2012

Are any of you interested in reviewing the realmd DBus interface, and
making sure I'm not screwing up in an obvious way?

By the time Fedora 18 releases I'd like to have this interface be
stable. Obviously new properties and methods can be added later, but I'd
like to try and not change the current properties and methods (and their
semantics) after that point.

Even if another project (like sssd) ends up re-implementing the
interfaces, it would be nice if we manage to keep them stable so callers
don't have to change.




The interfaces are used to discover/enroll/unenroll realms/domains and
manage login policy. Things to keep in mind:

 * There are multiple providers like samba-ad, sssd-ad, sssd-ipa, at
   different object paths. And a single provider combining them all
   at a top level object path. This way it's easy to discover using
   any provider with one operation, or get all the realms.

 * Multiple realm objects can be returned from a discovery for the same
   actual realm. These are ordered by relevance, and most callers would
   choose the first realm returned from a discovery. But more advanced
   callers can choose a realm based on the implementation (ie: winbind
   vs. sssd).

Anyway. Thank you in advance for any time spent on looking this over. I
appreciate it.



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