[SSSD] [PATCH][PRELIMINARY] sudo: send username and uid while requesting default options

Pavel Březina pbrezina at redhat.com
Wed Apr 4 17:52:40 UTC 2012

First of all I have never thought of the in-memory cache as a
performance issue (we are only sorting them), but as a nice way to
handle rules expiration.

I will try to explain why the sysdb is not enough in this case.

Because it is a security issue, when user runs SUDO, we want to always
go to an LDAP server and download current rules - not all of them, just
the ones that apply to him to minimize the traffic.

But running SUDO multiple times in a short period of time is not an
exception, therefore we cannot afford this approach because it would be
too. It would make SUDO unusable.

Therefore we need to implement expiration mechanism so we can reuse the
rules in a short period (currently set to 180 seconds). The question is

1. *Download every time all rules instead of per user*
    This would be probably too costly to do, similar to users and groups
    enumeration. There is already implemented an option that enables
    periodical update of all rules.

    I admit I have never seen an enterprise sudoers. I assume that it
    can get very big with hundreds of rules. If this is not a valid
    assumption, just tell me that I am stupid and we can do it this
    way :-)

2. *Store the rules in sysdb per user*
    There would be many data duplication and the database may get very

3. Store the expiration time with each rule
    *update only those rules that are expired*

    We wouldn't be able to decide whether a new rule was created without
    downloading all rules that apply for the user.

    (And we might be delivering to SUDO half of the updated rules and
    half of the old rules.)

4. Store the expiration time with each rule
    *if one rule has different timestamp than others, perform an update*

    Here we may end up in a not complete set of rules and a race
    condition when the cache will not be used at all. Details are below

5. *Storing set of rules per user in in-memory cache* (current approach)

    Once the rules that apply for the user are downloaded, they are
    stored in the sysdb for the offline times but they are also stored
    in a hash table. We set a tevent timer that will remove them from
    the hash table after the expiration time exceeds.

    We will refresh the rules in case of in-memory cache miss.

    There is a possible duplication of the rules in the memory, but only
    for a short time and for a small amount of users (I don't expect
    many administrators to be using sudo at one moment).

6. If there is some approach I have not thought of, please tell me.


**Rules in LDAP**

sudoUser: A

sudoUser: B

sudoUser: A
sudoUser: B


*Timestamp: 0*
user A does: sudo ls

Downloaded rules: rule1 and rule3
Sysdb contains:

expire: 180

expire: 180

*Timestamp: 10*
user B does: sudo ls

rule1 and rule3 are found in sysdb
expiration time equals
return them

!!! rule2 is missing !!!

*Timestamp: 190*
user B does: sudo ls

rule3 in sysdb is expired
perform an LDAP search for user B
sysdb contains:

expire: 180

expire: 370

expire: 370

*Timestamp: 200*
user A does: sudo ls

rule1 and rule3 have different expiration time
perform an LDAP search for user A
sysdb contains:

expire: 380

expire: 370

expire: 380

*Timestamp: 210*
user B does: sudo ls

rule2 and rule3 have different expiration time
perform an LDAP search for user B
sysdb contains:

expire: 380

expire: 390

expire: 390

!!! always performing an LDAP search !!!


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