[SSSD] [PATCH] The new memberof plugin

Stephen Gallagher sgallagh at redhat.com
Fri Sep 30 18:55:05 UTC 2011

On Thu, 2011-09-29 at 16:56 +0200, Jan Zelený wrote:
> > Jan Zelený <jzeleny at redhat.com> writes:
> > >> > As you described it, it looks like issue similar to what Stephen found
> > >> > earlier and is now fixed. It probably isn't caused by the size of
> > >> > groups but rather membership structure. Could you be more specific how
> > >> > the structure is organized? Do you use rfc2307 or rfc2307bis? If the
> > >> > latter is the case, how deep your membership structure goes and how
> > >> > does it approximately look like?
> > >> 
> > >> This is rfc2307.
> > > 
> > > There must be something else going on. I tested 2307 on a group with
> > > ~1000 users and I found no problem.
> > > 
> > > Could you provide me a backtrace of the place where the process hangs?
> > > Any other information you might have will be useful as well.
> > 
> > I don't have a backtrace, since I compiled this as an rpm. However, an
> > strace of sssd_be hopefully holds a clue or two:
> > PS. I forgot to mention that I'm using sssd 1.5.12 + memberof patch on
> > rhel6 x86_64, since it required the least amount of effort to compile
> > and install.
> > 
> > Regards,
> I managed to reproduce this issue, however I'm not sure it was related to the 
> plugin itself. What seemed to resolve it was update to latest packages in F15 
> and restart. However I did a small memory optimization, so I'm sending the 
> corrected patch. Please let me know if everything works for you now. In not, 
> try attaching gdb to sssd_be process *after* it freezes and send me a 
> backtrace.

Still seeing issues with this latest round of patches (by the way,
please always send all patches in a series when updating, it makes it
easier to keep track of them).

I had JR try out this patch on his setup, and he hit a crash while
saving about 4100 memberships to a small set of groups.

Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
0x0000003e01003277 in _talloc_free () from /usr/lib64/libtalloc.so.2
(gdb) bt full
#0  0x0000003e01003277 in _talloc_free () from /usr/lib64/libtalloc.so.2
No symbol table info available.
#1  0x00002af7396056fb in mbof_update (update_ctx=0x23c7a9d0) at
        ldb = 0x1b267890
        msg = 0x1
        member = 0x21e6dab0
        el = 0x237ac5c0
        rc_el = 0xa5
        new_el = <value optimized out>
        new_rc_el = <value optimized out>
        valdn = 0x54
        i = 0
        rc = 588275056
        first_rc = 588275056
        key = {type = 152, {str = 0x237ac5c0 "\220x&\033", ul =
        value = {type = 584457008, {ptr = 0x3e01005952, i = 16800082, ui
= 16800082, l = 266304772434, ul = 266304772434, f = 2.35739712e-38, d =
        process = 0x0
        ret = 1
        hret = 0
        is_user = false
        member_name = 0x0
        mod_req = 0x23c7a9d0
        flags = 0
        del_ctx = <value optimized out>
#2  0x00002af739605e1c in mbof_add_next_member_cb (pvt=<value optimized
out>, members=0x229eefb0, num=1) at src/ldb_modules/memberof.c:1908
        add_ctx = 0x23844380
        update_ctx = 0x1
        ldb = 0x1b267890
        el = 0x23105d70
        valdn = <value optimized out>
        ret = 455506064
        key = {type = HASH_KEY_STRING, {str = 0x222a0dd0 "", ul =
        value = {type = HASH_VALUE_LONG, {ptr = 0x3df9874e2e, i =
-108573138, ui = 4186394158, l = 266179399214, ul = 266179399214, f =
-8.78182185e+34, d = 1.315100967822999e-312}}
#3  0x00002af7396033e2 in mbof_membertree_get_cb (req=<value optimized
out>, ares=0x230fe300) at src/ldb_modules/memberof.c:1613
        membertree_ctx = 0x0
        ctx = 0x2311aba0
        ret = <value optimized out>
#4  0x0000003e02c1a0cc in ?? () from /usr/lib64/libldb.so.0
No symbol table info available.
#5  0x0000003e014034d3 in ?? () from /usr/lib64/libtevent.so.0
No symbol table info available.
#6  0x0000003e0140509b in ?? () from /usr/lib64/libtevent.so.0
No symbol table info available.
#7  0x0000003e01402690 in _tevent_loop_once ()
from /usr/lib64/libtevent.so.0
No symbol table info available.
#8  0x0000003e02c09a0f in ldb_wait () from /usr/lib64/libldb.so.0
No symbol table info available.
#9  0x0000003e02c0b13c in ?? () from /usr/lib64/libldb.so.0
No symbol table info available.
#10 0x0000003e02c0b2c0 in ldb_modify () from /usr/lib64/libldb.so.0
No symbol table info available.
#11 0x00002af73982f070 in ipa_hbac_sysdb_save (sysdb=0x1b268660,
domain=0x1b269130, primary_subdir=0x2af739881f12 "hbac_hosts",
attr_name=<value optimized out>, primary_count=<value optimized out>,
primary=<value optimized out>, 
    group_subdir=0x2af739881f1d "hbac_hostgroups",
groupattr_name=0x2af739880833 "cn", group_count=62, groups=0x1dc50610)
at src/providers/ipa/ipa_hbac_common.c:268
        lret = <value optimized out>
        ret = 0
        orig_member_dns = 0x2352ebb0
        i = 0
        member_count = 1
        members = 0x230060c0
        tmp_ctx = 0x238900d0
        member_dn = <value optimized out>
---Type <return> to continue, or q <return> to quit--- 
        group_id = 0x1db230f0 "eng-zenoss"
        msg = 0x2340f170
        member_filter = 0x21490870
        __FUNCTION__ = "ipa_hbac_sysdb_save"
#12 0x00002af73982394e in hbac_sysdb_save (req=<value optimized out>) at
        ret = <value optimized out>
        hbac_ctx = 0x1b291a70
        domain = 0x1b269130
        sysdb = 0x1b268660
        base_dn = <value optimized out>
        be_ctx = <value optimized out>
        tmp_ctx = <value optimized out>
        __FUNCTION__ = "hbac_sysdb_save"
#13 0x00002af7398296a2 in ipa_hbac_rule_info_done (subreq=<value
optimized out>) at src/providers/ipa/ipa_hbac_rules.c:213
        ret = 0
        req = 0x1dc60b20
        state = 0x1c1ee730
        __FUNCTION__ = "ipa_hbac_rule_info_done"
#14 0x00002af73983ed39 in sdap_get_generic_done (op=<value optimized
out>, reply=0x0, error=<value optimized out>, pvt=<value optimized out>)
at src/providers/ldap/sdap_async.c:1022
        req = 0x1b299120
        state = <value optimized out>
        attrs = <value optimized out>
        errmsg = 0x0
        result = 0
        ret = <value optimized out>
        lret = 1
        total_count = 0
        cookie = {bv_len = 0, bv_val = 0x1ccfab10 "\260\263\367\034"}
        returned_controls = 0x1d8fcc20
        page_control = <value optimized out>
        __FUNCTION__ = "sdap_get_generic_done"
#15 0x00002af739840c8a in sdap_process_message (ev=<value optimized
out>, pvt=<value optimized out>) at src/providers/ldap/sdap_async.c:307
        msgtype = 101
        ret = 0
        reply = 0x1dc69460
        op = 0x1dc62cf0
        msgid = <value optimized out>
        __FUNCTION__ = "sdap_process_message"
#16 sdap_process_result (ev=<value optimized out>, pvt=<value optimized
out>) at src/providers/ldap/sdap_async.c:207
        sh = <value optimized out>
        no_timeout = {tv_sec = 0, tv_usec = 0}
        te = <value optimized out>
        msg = 0x1c8adf20
        ret = <value optimized out>
        __FUNCTION__ = "sdap_process_result"
#17 0x0000003e014034d3 in ?? () from /usr/lib64/libtevent.so.0
No symbol table info available.
#18 0x0000003e0140509b in ?? () from /usr/lib64/libtevent.so.0
No symbol table info available.
#19 0x0000003e01402690 in _tevent_loop_once ()
from /usr/lib64/libtevent.so.0
No symbol table info available.
#20 0x0000003e014026fb in ?? () from /usr/lib64/libtevent.so.0
No symbol table info available.
#21 0x0000000000433db1 in server_loop (main_ctx=0x1b252b10) at
No locals.
#22 0x000000000040ee7f in main (argc=6, argv=0x7fff460731c8) at
        opt = <value optimized out>
        pc = 0x1b2505e0
        be_domain = 0x1b2509c0 "expertcity.com"
        srv_name = <value optimized out>
        conf_entry = <value optimized out>
---Type <return> to continue, or q <return> to quit---
        main_ctx = 0x1b252b10
        ret = <value optimized out>
        long_options = {{longName = 0x0, shortName = 0 '\000', argInfo =
4, arg = 0x647760, val = 0, descrip = 0x438df2 "Help options:",
argDescrip = 0x0}, {longName = 0x438e00 "debug-level", shortName = 100
'd', argInfo = 2, arg = 0x647838, val = 0, 
            descrip = 0x438dd1 "Debug level", argDescrip = 0x0},
{longName = 0x438e0c "debug-to-files", shortName = 102 'f', argInfo = 0,
arg = 0x64783c, val = 0, descrip = 0x439a68 "Send the debug output to
files instead of stderr", argDescrip = 0x0}, {
            longName = 0x438e1b "debug-timestamps", shortName = 0
'\000', argInfo = 2, arg = 0x647740, val = 0, descrip = 0x438ddd "Add
debug timestamps", argDescrip = 0x0}, {longName = 0x43a408 "domain",
shortName = 0 '\000', argInfo = 1, 
            arg = 0x7fff46073088, val = 0, descrip = 0x439aa0 "Domain of
the information provider (mandatory)", argDescrip = 0x0}, {longName =
0x0, shortName = 0 '\000', argInfo = 0, arg = 0x0, val = 0, descrip =
0x0, argDescrip = 0x0}}
        __FUNCTION__ = "main"

Please note that the issue is that we're calling talloc_free(msg) on msg
at a time when msg = 0x1. (This can only happen in two error conditions,
1) member_name = ldb_msg_find_attr_as_string(member, DB_NAME, NULL);
has returned NULL for member_name, or

2) entry_is_user_object() returned something other than LDB_SUCCESS or

So there are two bugs here. 1) We need to initialize msg to NULL. 2) We
need to figure out which of the above two failures is happening, and

> Thanks
> Jan
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