[SSSD] [PATCH] The new memberof plugin

Jan Zelený jzeleny at redhat.com
Tue Sep 27 08:55:22 UTC 2011

> Jan Zelený <jzeleny at redhat.com> writes:
> > As you described it, it looks like issue similar to what Stephen found
> > earlier and is now fixed. It probably isn't caused by the size of
> > groups but rather membership structure. Could you be more specific how
> > the structure is organized? Do you use rfc2307 or rfc2307bis? If the
> > latter is the case, how deep your membership structure goes and how
> > does it approximately look like?
> This is rfc2307.
> Regards,

There must be something else going on. I tested 2307 on a group with ~1000 
users and I found no problem.

Could you provide me a backtrace of the place where the process hangs? Any 
other information you might have will be useful as well.

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