[SSSD] Integration with SUDO utility

Pavel Březina pbrezina at redhat.com
Thu Sep 15 10:21:21 UTC 2011

Hi all,
I've been cleaning up Arun's code for a couple of days and I'd like to 
discuss it a little bit.

Please checkout the latest version at:
    branch: sudo-rebased
    branch: sudo-arun (Arun's original)

First of all, I would like to point out I don't actually believe Arun 
has ever tried it's functionality because the code contains some errors 
since commit from 08/10 (11 commits ago).

You can see I've rewritten the coding style of 
sbus_dbus_messages_helpers.c and sudo plugin. Removed some warnings and 
the errors mentioned above. I've emailed Arun two days ago, asking him 
to rewrite coding style of sudo responder, but he hasn't answered yet.


SUDO plugin API documentation:

1. I've added some questions of mine marked with TODO to sss_sudoplugin.c.

2. He's using sometimes fprintf/printf. I believe we should use only 
printf/conversation function given by sudo in policy_open().

3. While creating hash tables of settings and envirement, he's 
converting all booleans to string (which currently causes 'discard 
const' warnings). I'm not very familiar how these hash_tables are 
transferred via dbus but I believe it can be transferred as integer?

4. It looks to me like he's sending to responder settings and user_env 
which are given by sudo in polici_open(). I think we should pass 
settings and user_info.

5. To communicate with responder, he uses (struct 
sbus_interface)->methods instead of struct sss_cmd_table.

6. There is warning about not initialized init_session field of 
policy_plugin struct. I have sudo Sudo version 1.8.1p2...the plugin api 
version is still 1/1. I'm not sure if they updated the api or not.

7. There's still an error which blocks compilation: libtool:
link: cannot find the library `libsss_util.la' or unhandled argument 
I don't know what to do with it, makefile looks ok to me.

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