[SSSD] SSSD/Memberof profiling results

Jan Zelený jzeleny at redhat.com
Fri Oct 21 11:22:42 UTC 2011

Hello everybody,
during last couple days, I've been profiling sssd storing large groups (i.e. 
groups with many members and only flat membership structure) and I want to 
share my findings. In my particular case these members were users, since that 
is potentially the most complex memberof operation due to memberuid attribute.

First I would like to stress that numbers given here are not exact, but they 
give a good impression about what consumes *CPU time* the most. I was 
originally focused on the memberof plugin because we suspected that this will 
be the greatest performance killer. But in the end the scope was much more 
wide. For testing I used callgrind connected to the backend, debug level has 
been set to 0. As remote server I used FreeIPA. The test case was

1. start sssd (in following inspection I ignored BE initialization)
2. getent group large-group (no member groups, ~2k member users)
3. shut down sssd

First some of my observations regarding memberof plugin:
- the operation of the entire plugin took 8.73% of total CPU time
- this number can be reduced only a little bit:
-- removal of dn validation where not entirely necessary will gain ~0.55%
-- replacing comparison of ldb_dn by strcmp will gain ~0.2%
   (I suspect it's not safe though)
-- using a hash table to store memberuid operations could gain up to 2.99%
   (note that this is how much mbof_muop_append takes at the moment,
   so in reality the gain will be likely lower)

Now something out of memberof scope:
- ldb_transaction_commit is called for each added user
  (in the end it takes ~ 14.5% of CPU time)
-- we also have to consider disk write time which isn't measured by callgrind
-- here I suggest that recent Jakub's patch is extended to cover all
   schema types and all potentially large transactions

- ltdb_search is called 10513 times and it takes 11.54% of CPU time
-- ldb_search (only prepares the search query) takes 6.27%
-- the total sysdb lookup consumption are previous two numbers combined
-- there should be also a little bit more time counted in from the memberof
   plugin, but I consider that to be insignificant right now

That is all for the moment. If you have any ideas for test cases, feel free to 
let me know. 

Personally I believe that the solution to performance boost is to optimize 
sysdb operations on high level since that is where we know what will be stored 
and can adjust the process a bit (like using one transaction instead of couple 
thousands). Right now I will focus on the number of searches performed when 
storing group, I'd like to reduce this number at least by half.

If you have any other suggestions or comments, I'll welcome them.

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