[SSSD] SSSD (another) wish-list

Ondrej Valousek webserv at s3group.cz
Mon Nov 21 14:44:20 UTC 2011

On 11/21/2011 02:55 PM, Stephen Gallagher wrote:
> Granted, that's a bit of a  contrived example, but as a rule I tend to
> feel that data like this should be configured centrally, rather than
> updated by clients. First rule of security: always assume your clients
> are malicious.
I see. I needed this purely for auditing computers on LAN - so no big danger of malicious clients.
Even in your (indeed contrived) example could the malicious application cause to disjoin machine from AD/IPA domain or perform DOS attacks 
against the servers. Eventually:
1. Even if we agree that we will set it up once upon machine join, the malicious client can change it any time later. So no big difference here.
2. Even Microsoft AD clients (AD member computers) do it this way I believe.

I think in all cases you have to (to some extent) either trust your clients to make damn sure that no user application can gain root 
privileges. Even such a well perceived protocol like Kerberos can not protect you against malicious root application running on your desktop.

So, with all respect, I do not take your arguments.

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