[SSSD] [PATCH] Add Winbind provider.

Marko Myllynen myllynen at redhat.com
Tue Nov 8 15:53:03 UTC 2011


On 2011-11-08 15:53, Pavel Zuna wrote:
> SSSD configuration option for the Winbind provider can be found in
> /etc/sssd/sssd.api.d/sssd-winbind.conf. The correspond pretty much to
> Winbind options normally found in smb.conf.

I looked at the configuration options provided and I think some
additions might be helpful.

+char const *winbind_option_names[WINBIND_OPTS_COUNT] = {

In general, how do you setup "shared" things like logging level which is
already done in sssd.conf but there seems to be no corresponding Winbind
option available? For example, if one sets SSSD logging level to 9 will
Winbind then be equally verbose in its logging?

+    "template shell",          /* WINBIND_OPT_TEMPLATE_SHELL */

Will this play nicely with existing sssd.conf options like vetoed_shells
and shell_fallback? If "template shell" is being provided do you think
"template homedir" would be useful, too?

It should be possible to adjust "client ldap sasl wrapping", "ldap ssl",
and "ldap ssl ads". "ldap debug level" probably not needed.

I would be nice if one could set "winbind normalize names = yes".

Not sure would "winbind use default domain = yes" be useful / possible.
Same for "create krb5 conf = no".


Marko Myllynen

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