[SSSD] autofs support

Stephen Gallagher sgallagh at redhat.com
Thu Nov 3 14:42:48 UTC 2011

CCing Ian Kent on the discussion. Ian, please join the sssd-devel list
at https://fedorahosted.org/mailman/listinfo/sssd-devel

The archives of the earlier part of this thread begin here:

On Thu, 2011-11-03 at 15:38 +0100, Ondrej Valousek wrote:
> Hi Stephen,
> > This effort is partly dependent on the automount upstream providing us
> > with an interface to plug into (currently, no such interface exists).
> > Automount in its present incarnation provides its own LDAP driver
> > internally. It does not actually use nss_ldap/nss-pam-ldapd; it just
> > [ab]uses their configuration files to prime its internal LDAP
> > functionality.
> I know it. So I also know that there is not really any huge value in
> implementing it. But still I have reasons for this:
> 1. Right now you need to define two configurations files for the same
> thing. Why? The real reason for this is glibc limitation - it can not
> handle automount maps so that automounter has to implement it on its
> own.
> So for simplicity and transparency reasons we should still be aiming
> to include autofs in the loop (keep it low priority, fine, but I
> believe there should be an effort for it).
> 2. Right now the autofs ldap driver works fine, but not everything
> works the same. In future we might include support for DNS sites to
> autofs and once we do that, shall I open a next RFE to ask Ian Kent to
> include this functionality in automounter, too? No, this is too messy.
> 3. If you fix some bug in the ldap code one can never know if autofs
> suffers from the same or not
> I believe you guys should really talk to Ian about this (he is a nice
> guy, he has included lot of new functionality for me previously) and
> agree on some strategy here. The current situation might be sufficient
> now, but is unmaintainable long term.
> Ondrej
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