[SSSD] new ldap users inconsistently able to auth on existing servers

Johnny Tan jt at renttherunway.com
Mon Jun 20 20:01:28 UTC 2011

> This indicates that your hypothesis is probably correct. For one reason
> or another, the SSSD is operating in offline mode, and because the user
> has not previously logged in, they are not being granted access via
> cached credentials. sssd_LDAP.log will allow us to see why the
> connection is being considered offline.

Ok, I've included the sssd_LDAP.log for both a successful connection
(user = jt) and a failed connection (user = iambot). The successful
user pastebin:

Failed user pastebin:

I see that the latter shows "backend" is offline, yet the former (just
13 seconds earlier) shows it's "working" and returning info.

What's going on?


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