[SSSD] how does the offline mode work?

Stephen Gallagher sgallagh at redhat.com
Wed Sep 1 11:34:33 UTC 2010

Hash: SHA1

On 09/01/2010 07:23 AM, Eric Doutreleau wrote:
> but when i put the network cable on sssd is not aware of the network 
> back before one or two minutes.
> is there a way to speed up the process?
> it would be nice if i could send a signal to check again with Networkmanager

This was added in SSSD 1.3.0 (which I haven't yet backported to Fedora
13 - it's available in F14 branched at the moment). Our solution was to
use libnl (netlink) to be signaled whenever the routing table changes on
the system (such as when plugging in a cable or connecting to a VPN).
This is a more resilient solution than relying on NetworkManager, as it
will also work for those systems without NetworkManager.

For the record, the behavior in SSSD 1.2.x and older is to go offline
and remain that way for at least one minute. After a minute, the next
time a request comes in, it will attempt to reconnect to the network
servers if it can, and if not it continues to operate in offline mode.
Note that this requires a network request, not one that would simply be
returned from the cache.

With the new netlink feature, when it fires, we simply expire the retry
timeout immediately, so that the next request that would go to the
network will try to reconnect.

- -- 
Stephen Gallagher
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