[SSSD] [PATCH] Serialize authentication requests

Jan Zelený jzeleny at redhat.com
Fri Oct 15 12:13:05 UTC 2010

I'm sending a patch which is resolving ticket #533 by implementing a hash 
table into the PAM responder.

For testing I followed this approach:
0) Configure sssd to use RH LDAP and KRB
1) Activate shaping on the host computer
tc qdisc add dev eth0 root netem delay 2s
2) Run 2 separate shells with non-root user logged in
3) In both shells run su - <login> simultaneously
4) When asked for password, type in your password, but don't hit enter
5) When you have a password typed in both shells, hit enter in the first one, 
quickly switch to the other one and hit enter there (you should have 2s window 
to do this)

In both shells you should be logged in as <login> and you should have the same 
ticket cache file.

Something about the concept: I took it from NSS responder (or rather the 
common part, which retrieves information about user) as suggested in the 
ticket. But as Jakub pointed out to me, it is questionable whether we want to 
invoke all associated callbacks by scheduling them on the same time. The 
easier alternative is to call them all one after another in a cycle. I suppose 
it was implemented this way so it doesn't take long to forward all associated 
replies and other requests from PAM module can be served. Am I right? Or would 
it be better to re-write the patch and use the cycle instead?

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