[SSSD] [patch] Make example sssd.conf a working example with a local domain

Stephen Gallagher sgallagh at redhat.com
Tue Jun 1 12:14:24 UTC 2010

On 05/28/2010 07:45 AM, Stephen Gallagher wrote:
> Truthfully, it would be best to just have it ask questions, similar to
> how nss_ldap works today (IIRC).
> We have the SSSDConfig API for exactly that reason. It is a python API
> that will construct an sssd.conf for you.

I just wanted to expand on this statement, now that I'm somewhere with a 
real keyboard instead of a smartphone :)

It's my understanding that the nss-ldap package in Debian/Ubuntu behaves 
like this:
When it's installed with apt, it will interactively query you for the 
LDAP server and such that you want to configure (or you can provide it 
with a script to read from).

This is probably the best way to handle the SSSD as well. We have a 
fairly complete API that will write an appropriate sssd.conf for you, so 
it shouldn't be too difficult to write a post-install configuration 
script for your package in Debian.

For examples on how to use this API, you can see the source for 
authconfig or the source for the ipa-client-install in the upstream 
FreeIPA git tree.

Stephen Gallagher
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