[SSSD] AD interoperability

Timo Aaltonen tjaalton at cc.hut.fi
Fri Jan 22 11:49:54 UTC 2010


   I've understood that sssd still isn't fully tested against an Active 
Directory? We've got one and I'm trying to make an Ubuntu linux client to 
work with it by using samba, MIT krb5 libs and sssd. Things aren't going 
too strong though. AD seems to support only HOST$ -style principals and 
not SPN's, but even if I specify ldap_sasl_authid to that I only get an 
"Invalid credentials" when the daemon is trying to bind

[sssd[be[AALTO]]] [sasl_bind_send] (4): Executing sasl bind mech: GSSAPI, user: NEXUS6$
[sssd[be[AALTO]]] [sasl_bind_send] (1): ldap_sasl_bind failed (49)[Invalid credentials]

So, am I missing something or is there something to be fixed :)

Timo Aaltonen
Systems Specialist
IT Services, Aalto University School of Science and Technology

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