[SSSD] [PATCH] Make sss_userdel check for logged in users

Jakub Hrozek jhrozek at redhat.com
Wed Apr 28 08:07:52 UTC 2010

Hash: SHA1

On 04/28/2010 05:14 AM, David O'Brien wrote:
> I'm not much for reading patches, and while I've got the gist of this, I 
> have a couple of questions:
> 1. What's ENOSYS?

In this context, it means not implemented.

> 2. From the man page:
> "-f,--force
> This option forces sss_userdel to remove the userĀ“s home directory and 
> mail spool, even if they are not owned by the specified user."
>   Who else would they be owned by, and how would that come about, and why?

A different UID. For example, consider this sequence:

1) sss_useradd foo (homedir and spool are created)
2) sss_userdel --no-remove foo (--no-remove can also be a system-wide
3) sss_useradd foo (homedir and spool are not created, just a warning is
printed that they already exist)
4) sss_userdel --force foo (homedir and spool are removed even though
they belong to a different user)

> 3. "Kill users' processes before removing him"  s/users'/user's/  :-)

Yup, manpage bug. Thanks for catching it.

> 4. So far I've been able to use sss_userdel -k on a logged in user and 
> not see the expected warning message about the user being logged in. 
> This is with multiple processes running or just logging in in a shell.

The warning message is printed when deleting a user who is logged in
/without/ the -k flag. The -k flag just kicks the user out of the
system, by terminating all processes run by him - including his login shell.

> Any further updates or examples the doc needs to be aware of for other 
> clients, e.g., Solaris, Windows, Mac?

So far we don't port SSSD to these platforms, but when we do, just a
note that this flag is not supported outside Linux yet.
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