[SSSD] [PATCH] Make the password field configurable in NSS

Brian J. Murrell brian at interlinx.bc.ca
Tue Nov 17 01:21:52 UTC 2009

On Tue, 2009-11-17 at 01:01 +0100, Jakub Hrozek wrote: 
> Per the discussion on sssd-devel list, nss_sss should not return a
> hardcoded value but this should rather be configurable to allow whatever
> the OS or distribution thinks is the best for the particular case.

I disagree with the nature of this fix.  The decision as to what to
return in the password field of the passwd map is not really a
per-distribution issue.  Even within the same distribution, different
configurations should have different results and altering the
configuration will change the results.

With regard to the "x" as the password field, the rules/conditions are
quite clear.  If there is shadow information available for the account,
the password field should be set to an "x".

So in the case of an /etc/passwd and /etc/shadow, the password field
in /etc/passwd should be "x" and sssd should return that if it were
proxying for /etc/passwd (which I'm not even sure if it does).

In the case of LDAP, if the entry for the user had shadow information
available (i.e. it has the shadowAccount object class in the entry) then
the password field should be returned as "x" and if it does NOT have
that object class, then the password field should return something else.
Probably, if the ldap entry has an otherwise viable password entry, it
should be returned, but if it does not, returning "*" seems to be
acceptable given that if the LDAP entry does not have a password, then
something else (i.e. kerberos) will be getting used.

So as you can see what to return is much more local configuration
dependent than distro-policy.

One could argue that the sysadmin should set the value to be returned to
something reasonable for his configuration, but what about a mixed mode
even, where some users are authenticated out of LDAP and some out of
kerberos?  Then even a single configuration item is not possible.


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