[SSSD] [PATCHES] Clean up unused dependencies

Stephen Gallagher sgallagh at redhat.com
Fri Nov 6 14:18:42 UTC 2009

Patch 0001: Clean up dependencies in the build system
The sss_tools did not need to be linked against the full list of
SSSD_LIBS, and nothing needs to be linked directly against libtdb.
Also add a new set of configure options for KRB5_LIBS and KRB5_CFLAGS to
allow overriding them at the command-line (since they output far more
library dependencies than we actually use)

Patch 0002: Take advantage of the KRB5_LIBS and NSS_LIBS overrides to
reduce the number of dependencies on the build libraries and binaries.

Stephen Gallagher
RHCE 804006346421761

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Name: 0001-Clean-up-unused-dependencies.patch
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Name: 0002-Update-sssd.spec-to-use-only-the-required-KRB5_LIBS.patch
URL: <https://lists.fedorahosted.org/pipermail/sssd-devel/attachments/20091106/da65c54e/attachment-0001.ksh>
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