[SSSD] New Try to build SSSD on Karmic both as of 2009.08.04

Miguel P.C. mpcolino at gmail.com
Fri Aug 7 14:40:07 UTC 2009

Hi again,

> International testing is always a good thing. On a related note, if you
> would like to try your hand at translating the SSSD tools to Spanish,
> feel free to send a patch for the server/po/es.po (you need to first run
> 'make dist' to have it update the es.po to match the current source files.

That sounds like something I could add to my TODO list.
May I suggest that, if we want to multiply the number of people
translating SSSD, we can use Rosetta in Launchpad to do so. I still
dont know hot to import ".po" into it or how to get the results from
there but ... the translating teams behind it (I'm part of one), work
really nice and are really accurate (although this means terrible
discussions on one single word in the mailing lists, hehehe).
I do appreciate the effort you are doing and maybe your policy does
not let you do so but, I think is something worth considering.
One thrid option, now that Launchpad is Open/Free Software you can set
up a "Rosetta" for the project.

Sorry if I'm adding too much noise to this thread but, as I said, I
think it's worth considering.

> I'm glad to hear that everything is building. As I said in my previous
> email, the prerequisites are all *supposed* to be caught by configure,
> but the two needed for the manpages are trickier to test for. Do you
> have any ideas how we can make configure detect whether the appropriate
> docbook tools are in place?

No. But sounds like something interesting.
Normally there is a file (or some) that _needs_ to be there and you
just check for it to exist.
(I have sure said something you all already now ...)


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