2 commits - spacecmd/src

Jan Pazdziora adelton at fedoraproject.org
Fri Jun 22 12:08:08 UTC 2012

 spacecmd/src/lib/configchannel.py   |  126 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 spacecmd/src/lib/softwarechannel.py |   98 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 2 files changed, 224 insertions(+)

New commits:
commit 1ff57c50d3ef2e87a03b651383accfac2ed2f970
Author: Joerg Steffens <joerg.steffens at dass-it.de>
Date:   Sun Jun 10 20:38:38 2012 +0200

    spacecmd : enhancement add configchannel_sync

diff --git a/spacecmd/src/lib/configchannel.py b/spacecmd/src/lib/configchannel.py
index 642e6b4..36ea376 100644
--- a/spacecmd/src/lib/configchannel.py
+++ b/spacecmd/src/lib/configchannel.py
@@ -1204,4 +1204,130 @@ def do_configchannel_diff(self, args):
     return diff( source_data, target_data, source_channel, target_channel )
+def help_configchannel_sync(self):
+    print 'configchannel_sync:'
+    print 'sync config files between two config channels'
+    print ''
+    print 'usage: configchannel_sync SOURCE_CHANNEL TARGET_CHANNEL'
+def complete_configchannel_sync(self, text, line, beg, end):
+    parts = shlex.split(line)
+    if line[-1] == ' ': parts.append('')
+    args = len(parts)
+    if args == 2:
+        return tab_completer(self.do_configchannel_list('', True), text)
+    if args == 3:
+        return tab_completer(self.do_configchannel_list('', True), text)
+    return []
+def do_configchannel_sync(self, args, doreturn = False):
+    options = []
+    (args, options) = parse_arguments(args, options)
+    if len(args) != 1 and len(args) != 2:
+        self.help_configchannel_sync()
+        return
+    source_channel = args[0]
+    if not self.check_configchannel( source_channel ): return
+    target_channel = None
+    if len(args) == 2:
+        target_channel = args[1]
+    elif hasattr( self, "do_configchannel_getcorresponding" ):
+        # can a corresponding channel name be found automatically?
+        target_channel=self.do_configchannel_getcorresponding( source_channel)
+    if not self.check_configchannel( target_channel ): return
+    logging.info( "syncing files from configchannel "+source_channel+" to "+target_channel )    
+    source_files = set( self.do_configchannel_listfiles( source_channel, doreturn = True ) )
+    target_files = set( self.do_configchannel_listfiles( target_channel, doreturn = True ) )
+    both=source_files & target_files
+    if both:
+        print "files common in both channels:"
+        print "\n".join( both )
+        print
+    source_only=source_files.difference( target_files )
+    if source_only:
+        print "files only in source "+source_channel
+        print "\n".join( source_only )
+        print
+    target_only=target_files.difference( source_files )
+    if target_only:
+        print "files only in target "+target_channel
+        print "\n".join( target_only )
+        print
+    if both:
+        print "files that are in both channels will be overwritten in the target channel" 
+    if source_only:
+        print "files only in the source channel will be added to the target channel"        
+    if target_only:
+        print "files only in the target channel will be deleted"
+    if not (both or source_only or target_only):
+        logging.info( "nothing to do" )
+        return
+    if not self.user_confirm('perform synchronisation [y/N]:'): return
+    source_data_list = self.client.configchannel.lookupFileInfo(\
+                                      self.session, source_channel, 
+                                      list( both  ) + list(source_only) )
+    for source_data in source_data_list:
+        if source_data.get('type') == 'file' or source_data.get('type') == 'directory':
+            if source_data.get('contents') and not source_data.get('binary'):
+                contents = source_data.get('contents').encode('base64')
+            else:
+                contents = source_data.get('contents')
+            target_data = {
+                'contents':                 contents,
+                'contents_enc64':           True,
+                'owner':                    source_data.get('owner'),
+                'group':                    source_data.get('group'),
+                # get permissions from permissions_mode instead of permissions
+                'permissions':              source_data.get('permissions_mode'),
+                'selinux_ctx':              source_data.get('selinux_ctx'),
+                'macro-start-delimiter':    source_data.get('macro-start-delimiter'),
+                'macro-end-delimiter':      source_data.get('macro-end-delimiter'),
+            }
+            for k,v in target_data.items():
+                if not v:
+                    del target_data[k]            
+            logging.debug( source_data.get('path') + ": " + str(target_data) )
+            self.client.configchannel.createOrUpdatePath(self.session,
+                                                         target_channel,
+                                                         source_data.get('path'),
+                                                         source_data.get('type') == 'directory',
+                                                         target_data)
+        elif source_data.get('type') == 'symlink':
+            target_data = {
+                'target_path':  source_data.get('target_path'),
+                'selinux_ctx':  source_data.get('selinux_ctx'),
+            }
+            logging.debug( source_data.get('path') + ": " + str(target_data) )
+            self.client.configchannel.createOrUpdateSymlink(self.session,
+                                                            target_channel,
+                                                            source_data.get('path'),
+                                                            target_data )
+        else:
+            logging.warning( "unknown file type " + source_data.type )
+    # removing all files from target channel that did not exist on source channel
+    if target_only:
+        #self.do_configchannel_removefiles( target_channel + " " + "/.metainfo" + " ".join(target_only) )    
+        self.do_configchannel_removefiles( target_channel + " " + " ".join(target_only) )
 # vim:ts=4:expandtab:

commit 8508a03c2577d92303f5cae514fa8ea1f19c0c15
Author: Joerg Steffens <joerg.steffens at dass-it.de>
Date:   Sun Jun 10 15:45:23 2012 +0200

    spacecmd : enhancement add softwarechannel_sync

diff --git a/spacecmd/src/lib/softwarechannel.py b/spacecmd/src/lib/softwarechannel.py
index a4e0598..b5a4bd1 100644
--- a/spacecmd/src/lib/softwarechannel.py
+++ b/spacecmd/src/lib/softwarechannel.py
@@ -1475,4 +1475,102 @@ def do_softwarechannel_diff(self, args):
     return diff( source_data, target_data, source_channel, target_channel )
+def help_softwarechannel_sync(self):
+    print 'softwarechannel_sync: '
+    print 'sync the packages of two software channels'
+    print ''
+    print 'usage: softwarechannel_sync SOURCE_CHANNEL TARGET_CHANNEL'
+def complete_softwarechannel_sync(self, text, line, beg, end):
+    parts = shlex.split(line)
+    if line[-1] == ' ': parts.append('')
+    args = len(parts)
+    if args == 2:
+        return tab_completer(self.do_softwarechannel_list('', True), text)
+    if args == 3:
+        return tab_completer(self.do_softwarechannel_list('', True), text)
+    return []
+def do_softwarechannel_sync(self, args):
+    options = []
+    (args, options) = parse_arguments(args, options)
+    if len(args) != 1 and len(args) != 2:
+        self.help_softwarechannel_sync()
+        return
+    source_channel = args[0]
+    if not self.check_softwarechannel( source_channel ): return
+    target_channel = None
+    if len(args) == 2:
+        target_channel = args[1]
+    elif hasattr( self, "do_softwarechannel_getcorresponding" ):
+        # can a corresponding channel name be found automatically?
+        target_channel=self.do_softwarechannel_getcorresponding( source_channel)
+    if not self.check_softwarechannel( target_channel ): return
+    logging.info( "syncing packages from softwarechannel "+source_channel+" to "+target_channel )
+    # use API call instead of spacecmd function
+    # to get detailed infos about the packages
+    # and not just there names
+    source_packages = self.client.channel.software.listAllPackages(self.session,
+                                                               source_channel)
+    target_packages = self.client.channel.software.listAllPackages(self.session,
+        target_channel)
+    # get the package IDs
+    source_package_ids = set()
+    for package in source_packages:
+        try:
+            source_package_ids.add(package['id'])
+        except KeyError:
+            logging.error( "failed to read key id" )
+            continue
+    target_package_ids = set()
+    for package in target_packages:
+        try:
+            target_package_ids.add(package['id'])
+        except KeyError:
+            logging.error( "failed to read key id" )
+            continue
+    print "packages common in both channels:"
+    for i in ( source_package_ids & target_package_ids ):
+        print self.get_package_name( i )
+    print
+    # check for packages only in the source channel
+    source_only = source_package_ids.difference(target_package_ids)
+    if source_only:
+        print 'packages to add to channel "' + target_channel + '":'
+        for i in source_only:
+            print self.get_package_name( i )
+        print
+    # check for packages only in the target channel
+    target_only=target_package_ids.difference( source_package_ids )
+    if target_only:
+        print 'packages to remove from channel "' + target_channel + '":'
+        for i in target_only:
+            print self.get_package_name( i )
+        print
+    if source_only or target_only:
+        if not self.user_confirm('Perform these changes to channel ' + target_channel + ' [y/N]:'): return
+        self.client.channel.software.addPackages(self.session,
+                                                target_channel,
+                                                list(source_only) )
+        self.client.channel.software.removePackages(self.session,
+                                                target_channel,
+                                                list(target_only) )
 # vim:ts=4:expandtab:

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