Changes to 'refs/tags/spacewalk-backend-1.8.33-1'

Michael Mraka mmraka at
Tue Jun 5 12:35:23 UTC 2012

Tag 'spacewalk-backend-1.8.33-1' created by Michael Mraka <michael.mraka at> at 2012-06-05 12:35 +0000

Tagging package [spacewalk-backend] version [1.8.33-1] in directory [backend/].

Changes since spacewalk-backend-1.8.32-1:
Michael Mraka (5):
      removed support for Red Hat Linux 6.2 and 7.[0123]
      real_version() has been removed
      remove rhnRedHatCanonVersion table during upgrade
      Automatic commit of package [spacewalk-schema] release [1.8.48-1].
      Automatic commit of package [spacewalk-backend] release [1.8.33-1].

 backend/server/handlers/xmlrpc/                                                           |    6 
 backend/server/                                                                             |   17 -
 backend/spacewalk-backend.spec                                                                           |    5 
 rel-eng/packages/spacewalk-backend                                                                       |    2 
 rel-eng/packages/spacewalk-schema                                                                        |    2 
 schema/spacewalk/common/data/rhnRedHatCanonVersion.sql                                                   |  103 ----------
 schema/spacewalk/common/tables/rhnRedHatCanonVersion.sql                                                 |   29 --
 schema/spacewalk/spacewalk-schema.spec                                                                   |    5 
 schema/spacewalk/upgrade/spacewalk-schema-1.7-to-spacewalk-schema-1.8/056-rhnRedHatCanonVersion-drop.sql |    1 
 9 files changed, 13 insertions(+), 157 deletions(-)

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