Using SCLs for ROS releases vs simply dumping them into /opt/ros/$ros-release

Ankur Sinha sanjay.ankur at
Fri Feb 7 00:54:07 UTC 2014


Bloom, the ROS generator system has recently gotten support to generate
rpms[1]. At the moment, the author is simply putting releases
into /opt/ros/$ros-release and isn't making use of SCLs. Is this OK, or
should they use SCLs? 

As you'll see from the ticket, I've already pointed him to SCLs, but
considering that he's already using /opt/ros/$ros-release, and not the
system directories, I'm wondering how using SCLs would be any different?


PS: I've also sent this to the fedora-packaging-SIG mailing list. I
wasn't too sure what the best list for this question is.
Warm regards,
Ankur (FranciscoD)

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