What is the status of software collections?

Andrew Ford A.Ford at ford-mason.co.uk
Wed Nov 7 11:38:45 UTC 2012

I have just discovered software collections, having stumbled across 
Jindrich Novy's "RHEL Packaging" presentation and the Fedora/RHEL 
"Software Collections Guide" manual.  I had been trying to package up 
non-system versions of Perl and CPAN modules for work, using a very 
similar approach to scl.  I would like to recommend that we adopt 
software collections, but apart from a flurry of activity in the middle 
of the year, everything has gone quiet.  Is this a technology that has a 


Andrew Ford
South Wing Compton House
Compton Green, Redmarley
Gloucester, GL19 3JB, UK
Telephone: +44 1531 829900
Mobile:    +44 7785 258278

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