Handling various sysctl locations, runtime vs persistent checks

Shawn Wells shawn at redhat.com
Wed Jan 21 19:34:50 UTC 2015

Our current sysctl checks simultaneously check the runtime of the system 
(via unix:sysctl_test) and the persistent configuration (regex on 
sysctl.conf). We know these need to be broken out, and that's being 
tracked in Issue #321 [1].

So then, to actually take action, it seems like we need to:
(1) Breakout the *runtime* checks into unique XCCDF and OVAL elements. 
The OVAL will utilize unix:sysctl_test;
(2) Breakout the *persistent* checks.

On the persistent/static configuration side, from the sysctl manpage [2] 
there are now 6 locations to bury persistent sysctl settings:


I can't find documentation on the "order of operations" on how sysctl 
directories are scanned (aka, if a setting is placed in 
/usr/lib/sysctl.d/, will /etc/sysctl/*.conf overwrite it?). Has anyone 
seen any order of operations documentation on sysctl? My google-fu is 
failing today =/

 From the upstream source, I get the idea that /etc/sysctl.conf 
overwrites everything [3], but unsure of the other paths. The closest 
indication I could find was where  PreLoadSystem() defines their dir[] 
array [4], which shows:

- /run/sysctl.d (ignored, will be checked by runtime OVAL check)
- /etc/sysctl.d/
- /usr/local/lib/sysctl.d/
- /usr/lib/sysctl.d/
- /lib/sysctl.d/

As a side note, it looks like the code only checks *.conf files in those 
directories, so we can ignore everything else [5].

[1] https://github.com/OpenSCAP/scap-security-guide/issues/321
[2] http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man5/sysctl.conf.5.html

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