RHEL7 Content Status

Lesley Kimmel ljkimmel99 at hotmail.com
Thu Apr 23 17:47:23 UTC 2015


I'm checking in on the status of the RHEL7 SCAP content. Also, I was hoping someone could explain to me the plan for SCAP content on RHEL7. I ask because I was going over the RHEL7 Security Guide today (https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-US/Red_Hat_Enterprise_Linux/7/pdf/Security_Guide/Red_Hat_Enterprise_Linux-7-Security_Guide-en-US.pdf) and it states in section 6.1: 'Note that Red Hat does not provide any default compliance policy along with the Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 distribution. The reasons for that are explained in section 6.2 "Defining compliance policy."'

I don't really see any direct explanation of the above note, and it makes me wonder if the plan is really to include this content at some point or not. RHEL7 does include the 'scap-security-guide' package but last I checked it was missing a lot of "meat" as compared to the RHEL6 'scap-security-guide' content.

Thanks ahead of time,
Les Kimmel
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