Formalizing the release process / schedule

Jan Lieskovsky jlieskov at
Tue Jun 24 08:55:33 UTC 2014

Hello folks,

  since the request to give more formalized shape to SSG release process / schedule
appeared couple of times in the past already (to mention some example:

and since we are hitting the doubt if already make / not to make yet a new release each
time (each couple of weeks), we have decided to share the idea about SSG release process

  The proposal is to have release of new tarballs to happen at regular time (each 4 up
to 6 weeks), and have a dedicated wiki page listing when the couple of upcoming releases
will happen [1]. Something like Mozilla is doing for their products:

  From the observation period of 6 weeks is enough to have "sufficient count of new bug fixes /
features requests" (aka the evolution step) these changes by themselves to form a need of
a new release. But since it's difficult to decide if some patchset deserves new release
(what's very valuable for someone, might not be that exciting / urgent for someone else etc.) to be
fair we decided regular release period might be the best option how to balance out the various
requests that might come out.

  Therefore starting from the next release we would like the release to happen regularly (each
4 up to 6 weeks - this to be decided yet. Feel free to vote for your preferences) at a date
listed on the wiki page [2]. This could allow us establish automated functionality which could
in sufficiently ahead period of time (for example week ago) notify the list the new release is
coming and if someone is planning from their point of view critical patches to be included yet,
those should be proposed / reviewed as soon as possible.

  To express personal opinion I would prefer the releases to happen on per 4 week scenario
(while 6 weeks window might produce more changes in the tarball & less releases during the
year at the end it also introduces some related inconsistency - one time the release would
happen at start of the month, next time in the middle etc.) since it has the advantage the
release will happen each time at regular (same) period, so users can update their functionality
to better align upgrades with the schedule.

  Yet, since majority of us works on various / multiple projects, it might happen start of
the week might not be the right time for new release (urgent action required somewhere else
resulting into delay of a release etc.). Therefore I would propose the release to happen each first
Friday in the month (the users could use the upcoming weekend to install the updates if /
where appropriate).

Feedback, comments, votes, proposals welcome.

Thank you && Regards, Jan.
Jan iankko Lieskovsky / Red Hat Security Technologies Team (on behalf of SSG upstream)

[1] For now the wiki would contain just dates of past releases & dates of the upcoming ones
    (possibly also describing the release scheme). In the future it could provide further information
    what functionality each of the releases introduced (and taking it to the very advanced
    level hopefully too which functionality the new releases will contain in the future).

[2] Once the scheme is clear (the proposal is approved), I will create that wiki page.

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