Anyone using rhel6 ssg for centos6?

Pettorino, Jeffrey D CTR USAF USAFA USAFA/DFAN Jeffrey.Pettorino at
Wed Jun 18 16:08:44 UTC 2014

Thanks you everyone!

I was previously receiving the list in digest form (good for lurking, bad for 
interaction). I checked the archives and saw some similar queries and 
discussions just a few days before I joined, last month...

I appreciate the prompt replies and guidance. I will share anything 
significant I come up with.

As for a few things I saw in previous threads:
We use CentOS at the US Air Force Academy specifically on the ResearchNet, the 
HPC network for the Aeronautics Department, supporting real world (wind tunnel 
and fluid tunnel) and computer based modeling and simulation, and for 
connecting out to the bigger HPC.MIL labs and networks. Physics (Meteorology) 
and Astrophysics also use our systems and network and systems.

The justification for CentOS over RHEL is simply funding. We have firm *NIX 
requirements and no budget for licensing. We used to have a variety of UNIX 
flavors and variants, but we are going through accreditation for ATO so 
"approved software only" is the driver. CentOS, with its upstream provider of 
RHEL, is more likely to get a waiver approval than any of the 
non-NIAP/CC/approved operating systems.


Jeffrey D. Pettorino, GCIH, CISSP
Systems Engineer
High Performance Computing Research Center
United States Air Force Academy
Jeffrey.Pettorino.ctr at
The use of the Unix philosophy just for UNIX was a great waste.
Fortunately, Linux came along.
- Bellevue Linux User Group member, 2005

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