Handling dconf Settings

Maura Dailey maura at eclipse.ncsc.mil
Mon Feb 24 23:07:22 UTC 2014

The GConf settings we've been using for login banners and disabling user 
lists have been replaced by Gnome 3's dconf parameters in RHEL 7 (and 
Fedora, obviously). dconf allows users and admins to set certain 
parameters with plain text key files. It also allows admins to bypass 
key files and set parameters with a GVariant binary blob file. There are 
some problems for us with both methods. I'll use the login banner text 
settings as an example.

The recommended method in the RHEL 7 administration guide is to create a 
text file in /etc/dconf/db/gdm.d/ that looks something like the following:

banner-message-text='Consent banner text'

After creating this file, the user must type dconf update, and the 
settings are applied, making this a two step process. However, there is 
a second way to apply the same settings, using the gsettings tool, which 
will write the data as a binary data blob into the home directory of 
whatever user runs the tool:

sudo -u gdm dbus-launch gsettings set org.gnome.login-screen 
banner-message-enable true

This achieves the same effect and the consent banner will be displayed 
to users in exactly the same way. This method is harder to test, since 
there is no parseable text file for OVAL to evaluate, but it is 
extremely easy to apply on the command line.

TLDR: Are we allowed to mandate that system administrators must use the 
Red Hat guide's method of using plain text key files?

On a related note, the login banner text only displays AFTER users have 
put in their user name, and there appears to be no way to edit the 
consent banner's appearance without altering the GDM theme. Instead, 
it's scrunched into a tiny window, with tiny grey text on a grey 
background, with a scroll bar. Is it too late to put this on my RHEL 7 
final release wish list or can someone point me to the correct settings?

- Maura Dailey

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