Looking to start contributing

Lee Kinser lkinser at redhat.com
Thu Feb 13 00:02:00 UTC 2014

Hey guys,
I just wanted to send out a quick hello to the list in hopes of getting to know some of you.  I'm part of one of our security teams inside of Red Hat and am looking to do what I can to help expand on remediation content inside of SSG.  I've worked for years in Government spaces, so my experience and interest is primarily around STIG content... I'd love to get SSG to a point where we can scan and remediate essentially everything that can possibly be automated inside of the STIG.  I just might need some help from you guys in getting started.  :)

First question, what's the format for remediation content?  It appears that everything is held under ./scap-security-guide/RHEL/6/input/fixes/bash, but since they're named with words instead of finding ID, I'm a bit unsure as to how to map them to requirements in the policy... anyone have any tips there?  How about how to add new fixes?  Writing the BASH content is the easy part, I just need to know how to incorporate it into the SSG.  

Thanks for the help!  

Lee Kinser
Solutions Architect
Navy & Marine Corps
Red Hat Federal
843-868-1024 (Mobile)
lkinser at redhat.com

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