[PATCH] RHEL6 verify-input-sanity.py: Replace lxml.etree.XMLSyntaxError traceback with path to problematic XCCDF file. OpenStack ditto. RHEVM3 ditto.

Jan Lieskovsky jlieskov at redhat.com
Mon Sep 16 16:12:50 UTC 2013

By verifying sanity of input this will substitute Python
lxml.etree.XMLSyntaxError traceback (former state) with (more informative)
path to problematic XCCDF file information (proposed state),
in which XML syntax error, during parsing of that particular XML file,
occurred. This should simplify further XML syntax correctness investigation /
validation for those files.

Signed-off-by: Jan Lieskovsky <jlieskov at redhat.com>
 OpenStack/utils/verify-input-sanity.py | 5 ++++-
 RHEL6/utils/verify-input-sanity.py     | 5 ++++-
 RHEVM3/utils/verify-input-sanity.py    | 5 ++++-
 3 files changed, 12 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)

diff --git a/OpenStack/utils/verify-input-sanity.py b/OpenStack/utils/verify-input-sanity.py
index 13046b6..1e0ec2c 100755
--- a/OpenStack/utils/verify-input-sanity.py
+++ b/OpenStack/utils/verify-input-sanity.py
@@ -127,7 +127,10 @@ for xccdf_file in xccdf_xml_files:
         # form valid XML so that we can parse it
         xccdf_xml_contents = xccdf_header + infile.read() + xccdf_footer
         # parse the XML at this point
-        tree = ET.fromstring(xccdf_xml_contents)
+        try:
+            tree = ET.fromstring(xccdf_xml_contents)
+        except ET.XMLSyntaxError:
+            print "  XML syntax error in file: %s" % xccdf_file.replace("./", "src/input/")
         # extract all of the rules that are defined within the XCCDF
         xccdf_rules = tree.findall(".//Rule")
         for xccdf_rule in xccdf_rules:
diff --git a/RHEL6/utils/verify-input-sanity.py b/RHEL6/utils/verify-input-sanity.py
index 13046b6..1e0ec2c 100755
--- a/RHEL6/utils/verify-input-sanity.py
+++ b/RHEL6/utils/verify-input-sanity.py
@@ -127,7 +127,10 @@ for xccdf_file in xccdf_xml_files:
         # form valid XML so that we can parse it
         xccdf_xml_contents = xccdf_header + infile.read() + xccdf_footer
         # parse the XML at this point
-        tree = ET.fromstring(xccdf_xml_contents)
+        try:
+            tree = ET.fromstring(xccdf_xml_contents)
+        except ET.XMLSyntaxError:
+            print "  XML syntax error in file: %s" % xccdf_file.replace("./", "src/input/")
         # extract all of the rules that are defined within the XCCDF
         xccdf_rules = tree.findall(".//Rule")
         for xccdf_rule in xccdf_rules:
diff --git a/RHEVM3/utils/verify-input-sanity.py b/RHEVM3/utils/verify-input-sanity.py
index 13046b6..1e0ec2c 100755
--- a/RHEVM3/utils/verify-input-sanity.py
+++ b/RHEVM3/utils/verify-input-sanity.py
@@ -127,7 +127,10 @@ for xccdf_file in xccdf_xml_files:
         # form valid XML so that we can parse it
         xccdf_xml_contents = xccdf_header + infile.read() + xccdf_footer
         # parse the XML at this point
-        tree = ET.fromstring(xccdf_xml_contents)
+        try:
+            tree = ET.fromstring(xccdf_xml_contents)
+        except ET.XMLSyntaxError:
+            print "  XML syntax error in file: %s" % xccdf_file.replace("./", "src/input/")
         # extract all of the rules that are defined within the XCCDF
         xccdf_rules = tree.findall(".//Rule")
         for xccdf_rule in xccdf_rules:

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