[PATCH] [RHEL6] 0.1-15.rc5: - Point the spec's source to proper remote tarball location - Modify the main Makefile to use remote tarball when building RHEL6's SRPM

Jan Lieskovsky jlieskov at redhat.com
Sat Oct 26 14:25:05 UTC 2013

This patch changes Source0 location in RHEL-6's / main SPEC
file to use the remote one instead of a local one.

Also changes the main Makefile, so when building SRPM the
remote tarball would be retrieved first (and [S]RPM
content built from it).

Basic regression && sanity testing:
- all of make tarball, srpm, rpm and
- basic RHEL-6 make rules have passed.

Please review.

Thank you && Regards, Jan.
Jan iankko Lieskovsky / Red Hat Security Technologies Team

P.S.: scap-security-guide-0.1-15.rc5.tar.gz has been uploaded
      to upstream location:

P.S.#2: Remember when making changes in the future, the new workflow
        to be as follows:
        * make tarball
        * upload the new tarball to http://repos.ssgproject.org/sources/
        * then make srpm / rpm etc.
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