[PATCH] Added checks for 'hard' or '-' for checks in /etc/security/limits.conf

Shawn Wells shawn at redhat.com
Thu Oct 3 03:09:28 UTC 2013

On 9/30/13 2:16 PM, Shane Shaffer wrote:
> Is this object being used in a test that does a comparison on the 
> numerical value? The parentheses around the \d+ in the previous 
> version suggests that it is. Since the new parentheses create a second 
> subexpression, that could interfere with the evaluation of the 
> intended subexpression. There are a few ways around this, but unless 
> the value of hard|- is needed somewhere, the cleanest way would be to 
> make that a non-capturing group.

The full OVAL is here:

The important bits:
> |
>    <ind:textfilecontent54_object id="object_etc_security_limits_conf_maxlogins" version="1">
>      <ind:filepath>/etc/security/limits.conf</ind:filepath>
>      <ind:pattern operation="pattern match">^[\s]*\*[\s]+(hard|-)[\s]+maxlogins[\s]+(\d+)\s*$</ind:pattern>
>      <ind:instance datatype="int">1</ind:instance>
>    </ind:textfilecontent54_object>
>    <ind:textfilecontent54_state id="state_maxlogins" version="1">
>      <ind:subexpression operation="less than or equal" var_ref="max_concurrent_login_sessions_value" datatype="int" />
>    </ind:textfilecontent54_state>|

So then, you're right. The new parenthesis act as a capture group. 
Oddly, things still check out when doing a testcheck!

I can't find the OVAL 5.10 spec with this info, however reference the 
(now antiquated) 5.6 spec. Specifically the "extensions":

I believe the pattern match should be updated to:


(note the "?:")

Frank, could you bugfix this?
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