EXTERNAL: Re: scan question

Shawn Wells shawn at redhat.com
Thu Oct 3 02:22:31 UTC 2013

On 10/2/13 8:04 PM, Kordell, Luke T wrote:
> Hi,
>       I double-checked to make sure I added the correct line to the guide.xslt file but when I greped the ssg-rhel6=xccdf.xml file it did not return the usgcb file. I wish I could pull the latest update and patches quickly but am unable to do so with my RHEL machine at the moment.

If you do a 'git pull', or simply reclone, you'll notice the new profile 
in there. It should make the next RPM release too.

> Basically what I'm trying to do is find a good starting-point for a completely customized profile that calls a particular set of rules I will define. I think I need to conduct a little more research to make-sure I fully understand how to use the scripts to generate OVAL content and how to create a profile. I think I have the rule creation/adding part down. Can you point me in the right direction?
> As always thank you for the assistance!
Consider exploring the XCCDF "extends" option, as used in the STIG:

> |<Profile id="stig-rhel6-server" extends="common">|

The STIG inherits *everything* from the common profile, located here:

Once inherited, anything in the STIG profile takes precedence, allowing 
for customization of things like password lengh, audit retention, etc.

If you wanted to change a refine value, such as maximum age of 
passwords, simply use a refine-value tag:
> |<refine-value idref="var_acounts_maximum_age_login_defs" selector="5"/>|
... which would change the value from the STIG (which is 180 days), to 5 
in your custom profile

Or perhaps there's a STIG rule which you disagree with, disable it via 
the selected operator:
> |<select idref="password_require_uppercases" selected="false"/>|

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