Shaw, Ray V CTR (US) ray.v.shaw.ctr at mail.mil
Wed Feb 20 17:49:59 UTC 2013

Classification: UNCLASSIFIED
Caveats: NONE

During the public comment period, should I be sending comments to DISA 
regarding the benchmark content (which they didn't include in their download), 
or just regarding the prose (e.g. "I would like to see ___ as an acceptable 
setting as well as the stated value of ____")?

I have about 67 total checks that are failing (using SCC 3.1...getting 
somewhat different results with Open SCAP 0.9.3, which I will have more 
details on later).  Many of them are false positives (they comply with the 
prose, but - IMHO - the benchmark check is getting it wrong).  For the others, 
I'd like a change in the actual requirement.  I just want to make sure I'm 
reporting the right things to the right place.

[I also plan to try to "become a developer" and make contributions so I don't 
just feel like I'm complaining, but editing this sort of content is new to 

The benchmark content I'm using is the recently rebased RPM 


Ray Shaw
Contractor, STG
Unix support, Army Research Labs

Classification: UNCLASSIFIED
Caveats: NONE

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