EXTERNAL: Re: MLS question from a new user

Shawn Wells shawn at redhat.com
Tue Aug 6 17:19:53 UTC 2013

On 8/5/13 6:02 PM, Kordell, Luke T wrote:
> Thank you for your help. I think the links you've included will be very useful as I become more involved with SCAP. I also realize I will need to become more familiar with XML but that's an ongoing process I am doing on the side. I do have two more questions for you that should help me understand what is going on in the oval file. The first is what is the significance of "ind:" I tried looking into this myself and could not find an answer.
There are different components of the OVAL spec, one is called 
"independent" meaning there are independent of any piece of software 
(e.g. should work across RHEL, Cent, Ubuntu....).

In such cases, they're written in code as "<ind:textfilecontent54_test>"

> The second has to do with the textfilecontent54_state and object items. What are these? To me it looks like they are variables being set to the previously defined object and state variables. I'm sure most of my questions spawn from my lack of familiarity with the syntax, but I think the documentation you included in your previous email should help with that!

You can review the relevant piece of the OVAL spec here:

Search for "textfilecontent54_test" and the pieces should come together, 
as each section identifies the child elements

> Again, thank you for taking time to help a newbie!

Shawn Wells
Director, Innovation Programs
shawn at redhat.com | 443.534.0130

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