macro notes / authoring

Jeffrey Blank blank at
Tue Sep 25 13:10:38 UTC 2012

For our viewers at home who are seeing some of the recent commits and
wondering what's up:

In the "shorthand XCCDF" in input/system and input/services, we've got
stuff like:

<ocil><package-check-macro package="xinetd" /> </ocil>

The package-remove-macro (and many other macros) are defined in
transforms/shorthand2xccdf.xslt, which inserts the lines of text that
you'd expect to see for a manual check.  In this case, it's text that
describes how you'd check to see whether that package is installed.  See:

  <xsl:template match="package-check-macro">
	Run the following command to determine if the
	<xhtml:code><xsl:value-of select="@package"/></xhtml:code>
	package is installed:
	<xhtml:pre># rpm -q <xsl:value-of select="@package"/>

This way, if we need to change the language in the entire project that
describes how you check for a package being installed, it's easy to do
at once.

There is also support for adding boilerplate remarks with the text, by
providing the conditional clause which describes non-compliance.  This
clause can be provided by adding a clause= attribute to the ocil tag.
(And yes, other transforms take care of generating the 100 lines of XML
that make it proper OCIL.)

A commit I've just made takes care of also adding that clause= attribute
automatically, for those checks which contain a macro.  An example of
all of this coming together is in
(don't forget to git pull; make tables)

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