[PATCH 3/4] helper script to create alternate titles files and link it to Rules in a XCCDF Profile * short title is also synchronized as an aide to data entry

Jeffrey Blank blank at eclipse.ncsc.mil
Tue Sep 4 13:56:42 UTC 2012

Signed-off-by: Jeffrey Blank <blank at eclipse.ncsc.mil>
 RHEL6/utils/sync-alt-titles.py |   84 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 files changed, 84 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
 create mode 100755 RHEL6/utils/sync-alt-titles.py

diff --git a/RHEL6/utils/sync-alt-titles.py b/RHEL6/utils/sync-alt-titles.py
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..80db6b8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/RHEL6/utils/sync-alt-titles.py
@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
+import sys, os, optparse
+import lxml.etree as ET
+# This script is designed to synchronize an alternative-titles file, which allows
+# for specifying (and later inserting) titles of an alternate format into the
+# main body of XCCDF content.
+# It requires three arguments: an XCCDF file with Rules (which already have
+# titles), a profile name (that specifies the Rules for which to populate the
+# alternative-titles file), and the name of the alternative-titles file.
+xccdf_ns = "http://checklists.nist.gov/xccdf/1.1" 
+oval_ns = "http://oval.mitre.org/XMLSchema/oval-definitions-5"
+def parse_options():
+	usage = "usage: %prog -p profile -f titlesfile xccdf_file"
+	parser = optparse.OptionParser(usage=usage, version="%prog ")
+	# only some options are on by default
+	parser.add_option("-p", "--profile", default=False, action="store", dest="profile_name",
+					  help="provide title-holders for Rules in this XCCDF Profile")
+	parser.add_option("-f", "--titles-file", default=False, action="store", dest="titlesfile",
+					  help="an alternate titles file, in which to populate title-holders")
+	parser.add_option("-r", "--read-only", default=False, action="store_true", dest="readonly",
+					  help="print changes that would be made, but do not make them")
+	(options, args) = parser.parse_args()
+	if len(args) < 1 or not options.profile_name or not options.titlesfile:
+		parser.print_help()
+		sys.exit(1)
+	return (options, args)
+def get_profileruleids(xccdftree, profile_name):
+	ruleids = []
+	while profile_name:
+		profile = xccdftree.find(".//{%s}Profile[@id='%s']" % (xccdf_ns, profile_name))
+		if profile is None:
+			sys.exit("Specified XCCDF Profile %s was not found.")
+		for select in profile.findall(".//{%s}select" % xccdf_ns):
+			ruleids.append(select.get("idref"))
+		profile_name = profile.get("extends")
+	return ruleids
+def main():
+	(options, args) = parse_options()
+	xccdffilename = args[0]
+	# extract all of the rules within the xccdf
+	xccdftree = ET.parse(xccdffilename)
+	rules = xccdftree.findall(".//{%s}Rule" % xccdf_ns)
+	profile_ruleids = get_profileruleids(xccdftree, options.profile_name)
+	prunedrules = rules[:]
+	for rule in rules:
+		if rule.get("id") not in profile_ruleids:
+			prunedrules.remove(rule)
+	rules = prunedrules
+	titlestree = ET.parse(options.titlesfile)
+	alttitles = titlestree.findall(".//{%s}title" % xccdf_ns)
+	alttitles_rulerefs = [alttitle.get("rule") for alttitle in alttitles]
+	for rule in rules:
+		ruleid = rule.get("id")
+		if ruleid not in alttitles_rulerefs:
+			titleholder = ET.SubElement(titlestree.getroot(), "title")
+			titleholder.text = "\n"
+		else:
+			titleholder = titlestree.find("./{"+xccdf_ns+"}title[@rule='"+ruleid+"']")
+		titleholder.attrib['rule'] = rule.get("id")
+		shorttitle = rule.find("./{%s}title" % xccdf_ns)
+		titleholder.attrib['shorttitle'] = shorttitle.text
+	titlestree.write(options.titlesfile, pretty_print=True)		
+	sys.exit(0)
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+	main()

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