[PATCH 2/2] made hash algorithm Rules more granular, added new for one specified in /etc/libuser.conf

Jeffrey Blank blank at eclipse.ncsc.mil
Sun Oct 21 21:35:27 UTC 2012

Signed-off-by: Jeffrey Blank <blank at eclipse.ncsc.mil>
 RHEL6/input/system/accounts/pam.xml |  110 +++++++++++++++++++++++-----------
 1 files changed, 74 insertions(+), 36 deletions(-)

diff --git a/RHEL6/input/system/accounts/pam.xml b/RHEL6/input/system/accounts/pam.xml
index 225c779..21bb8d1 100644
--- a/RHEL6/input/system/accounts/pam.xml
+++ b/RHEL6/input/system/accounts/pam.xml
@@ -387,42 +387,6 @@ prevents direct password guessing attacks.
 <ref nist="AC-7, CM-6" disa="1452,44,47" />
-<Rule id="set_password_hashing_algorithm">
-<title>Set Password Hashing Algorithm</title>
-<description>The system's default algorithm for storing password hashes in
-<tt>/etc/shadow</tt> is SHA-512.
-In order to ensure the system is still configured to use SHA-512 algorithm,
-the following line must appear in <tt>/etc/login.defs</tt>:
-<pre>ENCRYPT_METHOD SHA512</pre>
-Also ensure that the <tt>pam_unix.so</tt> module in the <tt>password</tt> section in
-<tt>/etc/pam.d/system-auth</tt> includes the argument <tt>sha512</tt>.
-If this is not the case, the following command can be run to fix:
-<pre># /usr/sbin/authconfig --passalgo=sha512 --update</pre>
-This ensures that when users change their passwords, hashes for the new passwords
-will be generated using the SHA-512 algorithm.
-<!-- All accounts will
-need to perform a password change in order to upgrade the stored
-hashes to the stronger algorithm. -->
-<ocil clause="either of these are not the case">
-To ensure the system is configured to store password hashes using the SHA-512 algorithm, two conditions must be met.
-First, ensure the following line appears in <tt>/etc/login.defs</tt>:
-<pre>ENCRYPT_METHOD SHA512</pre>
-Also, ensure the <tt>pam_unix.so</tt> module in the <tt>password</tt> section of <tt>/etc/pam.d/system-auth</tt> includes 
-the argument <tt>sha512</tt>.
-Using a stronger hashing algorithm makes password cracking attacks more difficult.
-<ident cce="14063-2" />
-<oval id="accounts_password_hashing_algorithm" />
-<ref nist="IA-5" disa="803"/>
 <Rule id="limiting_password_reuse">
 <title>Limit Password Reuse</title>
 <description>Do not allow users to reuse recent passwords. This can
@@ -445,3 +409,77 @@ Preventing re-use of previous passwords helps ensure that a compromised password
 <ref nist="IA-5" disa="200" />
+<Group id="set_password_hashing_algorithm">
+<title>Set Password Hashing Algorithm</title>
+<description>The system's default algorithm for storing password hashes in
+<tt>/etc/shadow</tt> is SHA-512. This can be configured in several
+<Rule id="set_password_hashing_algorithm_systemauth">
+<title>Set Password Hashing Algorithm in /etc/pam.d/system-auth</title>
+In <tt>/etc/pam.d/system-auth</tt>, the <tt>password</tt> section of
+the file controls which PAM modules execute during a password change.
+Set the <tt>pam_unix.so</tt> module in the
+<tt>password</tt> section to include the argument <tt>sha512</tt>, as shown here:
+<pre>password    sufficient    pam_unix.so sha512 <i>other arguments...</i></pre>
+This will help ensure that when local users change their passwords, hashes for the new
+passwords will be generated using the SHA-512 algorithm.
+This is the default.
+<ocil clause="it does not">
+Inspect the <tt>password</tt> section of <tt>/etc/pam.d/system-auth</tt>  and
+ensure that the <tt>pam_unix.so</tt> module includes the argument
+Using a stronger hashing algorithm makes password cracking attacks more difficult.
+<!-- <ident cce="14063-2" /> -->
+<!-- <oval id="accounts_password_hashing_algorithm" /> -->
+<ref nist="IA-5" disa="803"/>
+<Rule id="set_password_hashing_algorithm_logindefs">
+<title>Set Password Hashing Algorithm in /etc/login.defs</title>
+In <tt>/etc/login.defs</tt>, add or correct the following line to ensure
+that the system will use SHA-512 as the hashing algorithm:
+<pre>ENCRYPT_METHOD SHA512</pre>
+<ocil clause="it does not">
+Inspect <tt>/etc/login.defs</tt> and ensure the following line appears:
+<pre>ENCRYPT_METHOD SHA512</pre>
+Using a stronger hashing algorithm makes password cracking attacks more difficult.
+<!-- <ident cce="14063-2" /> -->
+<!-- <oval id="accounts_password_hashing_algorithm" /> -->
+<ref nist="IA-5" disa="803"/>
+<Rule id="set_password_hashing_algorithm_libuserconf">
+<title>Set Password Hashing Algorithm in /etc/libuser.conf</title>
+In <tt>/etc/libuser.conf</tt>, add or correct the the following line in its
+<tt>[defaults]</tt> section to ensure that the system will use the SHA-512
+algorithm for password hashing:
+<pre>crypt_style = sha512</pre>
+<ocil clause="it does not">
+Inspect <tt>/etc/libuser.conf</tt> and ensure the following line appears
+in the <tt>[default]</tt> section:
+<pre>crypt_style = sha512</pre>
+Using a stronger hashing algorithm makes password cracking attacks more difficult.
+<!-- <ident cce="14063-2" /> -->
+<!-- <oval id="accounts_password_hashing_algorithm" /> -->
+<ref nist="IA-5" disa="803"/>

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