[PATCH] Do not select the Group but the Rule.

Simon Lukasik isimluk at fedoraproject.org
Thu Nov 22 18:27:46 UTC 2012

On 11/21/2012 05:48 PM, Jeffrey Blank wrote:
> thanks -- please push!

Pushed. But I've just noticed there are two more bugs like this. The

    $ xpath ssg-rhel6-xccdf.xml \
        '//Profile/select[@idref = //Group/@id]/@idref'


    idref="ftp_limit_users"-- NODE --

We should really not be selecting the Groups but the Rules.

However, I cannot fix this. As not being the content author, I am sure
whether we want to have all the Rules of the given group
(ftp_limit_users) to be selected. Could someone please check?

Also, would it make sense to include such xpath check in the build process?


Simon Lukasik

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