[PATCH 13/13] Created JBossEAP5 Working Directory

Shawn Wells shawn at redhat.com
Sat May 19 17:57:51 UTC 2012

Creating initial working directory for the incoming JBossEAP5 SCAP community
 JBossEAP5/src/README |   30 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 files changed, 30 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 JBossEAP5/src/README

diff --git a/JBossEAP5/src/README b/JBossEAP5/src/README
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5a5c218
--- /dev/null
+++ b/JBossEAP5/src/README
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+Directory Structure of scap-security-guide
+The input directory contains source files that generate SCAP content, such as
+XCCDF and OVAL.  Since a single large XML file is an impractical format for
+multiple authors to collaborate on editing SCAP content, efforts are made to
+keep logically related guidance and checking content in individual files.
+The transforms directory contains resources that enable the files inside the
+input directory (or output directory) to be combined and reformatted into
+valid SCAP formats or human-readable formats.
+The output directory is used as a storage area for items generated by the files
+in the inputs directory.  It should be empty in the repository, and built on
+users' individual systems (and rely on its .gitignore file to keep such files
+out).  The output directory contains transitional output (which may only exist
+in order to be further transformed) as well as final output.
+The references directory should contain documents which are specified as
+references from within the SCAP content, or documents that are "seeds," viz.
+documents whose prose will be translated into SCAP formats, as well as other
+examples of SCAP content.
+The utils directory contains helper scripts and other items that are useful to
+developers but are not essential to producing the project's output.
+The dist directory contains final outputs, which could be shipped in an RPM for
+comsumption by end-users.  Updating the Makefile to copy an item from the
+outputs directory to the dist directory indicates that an item is considered a
+final output.


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