netfs test

Joe Nall joe at
Wed May 23 13:38:19 UTC 2012

In order to pass the netfs test, I had to
 chkconfig --level 0123456 netfs off
instead of just
 chkconfig --del netfs

<unix:runlevel_state comment="not configured to start" id="state_service_netfs_off" version="1">
 <unix:start datatype="boolean">false</unix:start>
 <unix:kill datatype="boolean">true</unix:kill>

checks that there is a kill script at every level instead of just testing for not starting. Is just testing

<unix:runlevel_state comment="not configured to start" id="state_service_netfs_off" version="1">
 <unix:start datatype="boolean">false</unix:start>

at every init level sufficient?


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