[RFC] Manual Profile Use

Spencer R. Shimko sshimko at tresys.com
Tue Aug 14 04:29:39 UTC 2012

On 8/14/12 12:00 AM, "Spencer R. Shimko" <sshimko at tresys.com> wrote:

>On 8/13/12 10:47 PM, "Shawn Wells" <shawn at redhat.com> wrote:
>>On 8/13/12 7:35 PM, Spencer R. Shimko wrote:
>>> On 8/13/12 10:37 AM, "Jeffrey Blank" <blank at eclipse.ncsc.mil> wrote:
>>>> I don't quite follow.  Is this a list of Rules for which no automated
>>>> checking is possible?  Or is it a list of things whose remediation
>>>> cannot be automated?
>>>> (Essentially, will this be the set (or subset) of all Rules that
>>>> be expressed in OVAL?)  (Admittedly there are a few that may be
>>>> expressible in the SCE/scripts, but let us avoid that conversation for
>>>> now.)
>>>> This is a big topic now.  In transition_notes.xml, you will see a
>>>> with a list of references from the RHEL 5 STIG which are policy/manual
>>>> checks; we are in the process of determining for the STIG profile
>>>> we understand fully what a STIG should be) whether these
>>>> checks should be included.
>>> I do believe Michael's suggestion is combination of those you listed
>>> plus those related to remediation.
>>> There is a large set of SSG content that is process-specific and
>>> checks can not be developed.  To my knowledge those are the ones
>>> be discussed in transition_notes.  However, there are some that can not
>>> reasonably "assured" (sorry I hate that word) via the existing OVAL
>>> checks.  Some of the existing logic is based on the premise that the
>>> system in question was generated via a default RHEL config.  But much
>>> it relies on the fact that the state of the system was *always* in the
>>> state found when the content was interpreted.
>>> For example, password complexity - yes OVAL can ensure the current
>>> configuration is correct.  However, it fails to ensure the existing
>>> passwords met the specified requirement.  The PAM configuration used
>>> the password is created is not stored in /etc/shadow. A root password
>>> user password entered during Anaconda install may not meet the
>>> thus the results of the SSG post-install content interpretation are
>>>   I might be missing something there, but many of the assumptions are
>>> on the fact that the system being audited via SSG content was
>>> and booted* w/ the relevant configuration.  Building on that assumption
>>> the fact that the configuration was laid down prior to a reboot and the
>>> audit was run after reboot with *no* configuration changes between
>>> two (e.g. Ensure ntp is enabled, reboot, thus it is enabled).
>>> In addition to that set of content (process-related + not validatable
>>> through automation) there is a set of requirements that can be verified
>>> through automated means but can not be met through automated means.
>>> However, I have a feeling the correlation between automated auditing
>>> automated remediation sets is strong.   Checking for a 12 character
>>> password is not sufficient.  Ensuring the system is configured properly
>>> *and* prompting for a password addresses that issue.
>>> Undoubtedly you guys have put more thought into the SCAP content than I
>>> have.  But this strikes me as a rather systemic issue that must be
>>> addressed to ensure interpretation of the SSG content results in an
>>> accurate report.
>>Would an actual profile be called for, or just identification of rules
>>that need to be manually validated?
>IMO either way works.  In the long term as long as it is well-defined it
>will work more generally.  We thought a profile was the least invasive
>approach to solve the problem in the short term.
>>> Yes Michael and myself would like to submit a manual check profile to
>>>   It would address both situations.  If this isn't acceptable we are
>>> willing to carry a patch that addresses these issues.
>>So you want to carry a Tresys fork of SSG?   o_O
>>I'd say toss the patch over so we can see exactly what you're talking

Whoops I completely missed responding to a key question:
TL;DR no we don't want to fork.

Tresys is adamantly against forking.  We have been stuck by forks before
:P  Tresys views SSG as the appropriate project to host all of this work.
We will not fork SCAP XCCDF & OVAL content from SSG.

While this has been discussed off-list with a few SSG people it probably
bears public explanation.  I want all of Tresys' SCAP work to go into SSG
and related projects.  CLIP is carrying a snapshot of SSG git repo for one
single reason - NO RELEASE OF SSG HAS BEEN MADE (sorry for yelling).  The
CLIP project has independent deadlines and will, at times, have
independent goals that don't align with those of SSG.  If you look closely
at our repo, I carefully track the revisions I snapshot, I consistently
update and mark each revision I have snapshotted.  CLIP leverages numerous
open-source components.  But CLIP is not some random pile of code we just
post to a website somewhere.  It is thoroughly QA'd and tested.  Tresys
*can not* do that type of QA and testing when we pull from HEAD of a git
repo, SSG or anything else.

Our patches, if necessary, will always be additive.  We will always engage
the relevant community first.  Hence this RFC.  *We are not forking*.
Quite to the contrary, we learned from Red Hat.  Red Hat carries countless
patches to upstream repositories.  They include those patches in source
RPMs.  You don't consider those packages containing patches forks do you

Again, much like Red Hat, I am however quite willing to carry small
patches that allow us to achieve our goals when those patches are not
accepted by upstream.  As this email illustrates, we want engage the
community, solicit feedback, and submit changes that can be accepted.  If
those changes are not acceptable due to the project's goals, I will
happily carry a patch.  I'd hate to do so though.


>We have one :)  I thought an RFC was a better approach since this was
>related to an existing topic-of-interest on the list that was still
>in-flux.  We will post it for review tomorrow.
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