RHq-Metrics Use cases ( was Re: No concept of a platform? )

John Sanda jsanda at redhat.com
Thu Jan 15 12:56:00 UTC 2015

> On Jan 15, 2015, at 4:18 AM, Thomas Segismont <tsegismo at redhat.com> wrote:
> Le 14/01/2015 17:18, John Sanda a écrit :
>> As for the UI and JAX-RS dependency, undertow is available in WF core,
>> and it supports servlets and web sockets out of the box right? To
>> eliminate the JAX-RS dependency, couldn’t we either 1) implement the
>> REST endpoints directly in servlet code ourselves or 2) expose a web
>> sockets API that the UI uses? My preference would be web sockets instead
>> of trying to implement a bunch of stuff that we get with JAX-RS.
> If we need websockets for the console then let's add it. But that shouldn't be a reason to abandon the RESTful API.
> That doesn't mean we need to stick to JAX-RS. But then we would have to write code or integrate libraries  which provides the things we use from the spec (please reply if I forgot or misrepresented something) :
> * routing
> * parameter binding
> * content negotiation (selecting a method to handle the request and serializing the result in the appropriate format)
> Also JAX-RS allows for an annotation-based swagger integration.
> Eventually, we need to consider the impact on integration with KC.
> I'll think more about this and will come back with a plan, if you agree.

I was not suggesting that we abandon the REST API. We still want the REST API for the stand alone metrics service. I am suggesting that we consider websockets for the embedded WF use case. Specifically, I am suggesting websockets using only undertow core and not pulling in additional dependencies.

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