RHQ Metrics - 0.2.6 and Future

Stefan Negrea snegrea at redhat.com
Tue Jan 13 23:12:15 UTC 2015

Hello Everybody,

I just want to summarize the latest release of the RHQ Metrics project.

1) RHQ Metrics 0.2.6 was released today

For more details checkout the JBoss.org forum thread and the release notes.

Github Release:

JBoss.org Forum thread:

JBoss Nexus Maven artifacts:

2) OpenShift Cartridged for RHQ Metrics 0.2.6

The cartridge supports RHQ Metrics 0.2.6 and 0.2.5. Just a reminder, the cartridge is the simplest and easiest way to get a public facing instance of RHQ Metrics in just a few minutes with a single command. The cartridge configures Cassandra, Wildfly, and RHQ Metrics (REST interface and UI console) to run in a single gear. For more details please visit the Github repository of the project.

Sample command to create a new RHQ Metrics deployment:
rhc app create test_app https://raw.githubusercontent.com/rhq-project/rhq-metrics-openshift/master/metadata/manifest.yml

Github Repository:

JBoss.org Forum thread:

3) RHQ Metrics 0.2.7 release planning

We created a forum thread on JBoss.org to discuss the 0.2.7 release. The plan is to anchor this release on the Keycloak integration.

JBoss.org Foum thread:

A big "Thank you!" goes to John Sanda, Mike Thompson, Heiko Rupp, and Thomas Segismont for their project contributions.

Any discussion, suggestions or contributions are more than welcomed; so feel free to reply to this email or comment directly on the various forum threads. 

Thank you,
Stefan Negrea

Software Engineer

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