No concept of a platform?

John Sanda jsanda at
Fri Jan 9 13:34:56 UTC 2015

I know there there are different deployment scenarios for metrics, but let’s consider the single WildFly instance. Assuming the rhq-metrics service (not the whole rhq-metrics server) is deploy in that same WildFly instance, then the required dependencies for rhq-metrics would be minimal. We certainly would not need a full EE stack. I do not even see why we would need the REST endpoints.

As for domain mode, I think we need to consider whether data is being persisted to Cassandra or being stored in memory. If/when we are only storing data in memory, we might only support a subset of the full functionality. This has not been fully thought out. I just wanted to mention it. When Cassandra is being used, we could use it for coordination instead of introducing yet another external dependency.

> On Jan 9, 2015, at 7:21 AM, Heiko Braun <ike.braun at> wrote:
> well, that’s actually the whole point of this discussion: integrate all necessary rhq components into wildfly to give access to historical runtime data. 
>> On 09 Jan 2015, at 12:41, Heiko W.Rupp <hrupp at <mailto:hrupp at>> wrote:
>> I do not think that the whole rhq-metrics server would be deployed (incl C* dependency) just to allow to gather some
>> metrics and push them around.
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