Bug 1212950 - EAP 6 start operation causes agent to run out of memory due to storing console output in an unused buffer

Thomas Segismont tsegismo at redhat.com
Tue Apr 21 15:29:13 UTC 2015

Hi everyone,

There was a bug filed recently against EAP6 plugin, symptoms are 
described in $subject. You can read the (very good) analysis from Larry 
in the bug report.

The issue happens when you don't want to log the subprocess output to a 
file in the agent's temp directory indefinitely but still want to be 
able to print the beginning of it in the agent's log file.

We can't avoid to continue reading the subprocess output and error 
streams, because their buffers could become fully filled, causing the 
the server to hang as well, thus not solving anything.

So my opinion is that the fix should consist in setting a limit to the 
output captured in memory. After the maximum amount of output has been 
captured, we would simply drop the additional bytes. Note that this 
limit could be set to something quite high (a few megabytes).

Feel free to reply if you have any comment. Libor is assigned to the BZ.


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