Additional data purging needed; e.g. RHQ_CONFIG_UPDATE

Thomas Segismont tsegismo at
Mon Sep 29 21:11:41 UTC 2014

Le 29/09/2014 22:22, Elias Ross a écrit :
> I have 800,000+ rows in RHQ_CONFIG and RHQ_CONFIG_PROPERTY has
> 87,000,000+ rows, and this is just my lab system. My suspicion is data
> is not being deleted here there either.
> As RHQ_RESOURCE is 150K rows, and none of the other tables come close
> to that many rows, there's quite a lot of orphaned configurations I
> suspect.

I believe this is a consequence of RHQ_CONFIG_UPDATE not being purged. 
Each config update is associated with a configuration.

Resource configuration updates may come from:
* users: UI, CLI
* agent: config check job (if the live configuration is different than 
the original)

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