Alerts on REST created resources

Lukas Krejci lkrejci at
Fri Sep 12 20:45:19 UTC 2014

but it's not been merged yet, because it's a) not 100% finished and b) a 
little bit controversial.

If you want to help out getting this in, I'd be more than glad to assist.


On Friday, September 12, 2014 04:35:24 PM Van Dillon wrote:
> Hello All,
> I'm using an agent plugin that depends on the No-op plugin to define
> resources that I push into RHQ (4.10.0) using REST.
> I've found that if I create a platform with REST as the parent for these
> resources then alerts on metrics defined in the plugin don't trigger.
>  Alerts work if I use an agent backed platform as the parent for the REST
> pushed resources.  They work even when the agent is down.
> Is this a known limitation or a bug?
> Thanks,
> Van Dillon

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