Server plugin contributions to RHQ

Elias Ross genman at
Thu Oct 16 19:27:45 UTC 2014

I just released this project:

These are plugins that might make sense as part of RHQ or not. But
they are useful for me at least, and maybe some other users.

Somewhat related to RHQ is this project that I also released:

If you dig into this directory

you will see that there are RHQ specific annotations that you can put
on your CDI beans, and when exposed through JMX, there is meta-data
present in MBeanInfo which can be used to automatically create an RHQ
agent plugin descriptor. (The plugin generator I plan to release as
well...) For example:

@Description("Total bytes sent in response")
@DefaultInterval(1000 * 60 * 5)
public long getBytesSent() {
   return bytesSent;

I'm trying to release the Agent plugins as well, but there is a lot of
code and the approvers are a bit alarmed.

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